Sunday, April 29, 2007

Pictures on FaceBook

So I posted some pictures on my FaceBook page and thought you all might want to take a gander. Also feel free to add me as a friend if you are not already one of the luck winners.

As a side note I will mail you one of my newly designed and freshly screen-printed recycled cloth napkins if you are the randomly chosen commenter to this post. To be selected, by Jackie, one week from today.


Sarah said...

Pick me Jackie!

ah said...

Ooh! Jackie! I have bacon!

Danoudperk said...

Hey Deppe,
Just checking up on life in the PNW. Sounds like some sweet classes. I just taught my students about CFLs and what not.

dan p

gerard said...

When recommending cfls be sure to mention lumen output and color temperature. Often people are put off by fluorecents from just one lamp because it is too "cool" or too "warm" when both are available.

Adam said...

Wow. And I thought I hadn't blogged in a while. Full year here, Matt.

Although I do notice a mass migration to Facebook, and I can't say that that seems all so bad. Blogs just seem a little bit more literal; emotive than Facebook.