Wednesday, August 20, 2008

These Are Not Your Parent's CFLs!

Do not be fooled by my camera's automatic settings. The CFL example only looks darker because it was too bright and my camera toned it down. Take a close look at the Watt readings in the pictures to compare the difference in electricity between the single incandescent and four compact fluorescents.

And these are not your first generation CFLs:
1. They are instant on. (No more waiting 0.5-2 seconds.)
2. They are available in various color temperatures. (Note the difference between the two spiral options in the second picture. The one of the left is very close to the color of an incansecent.)
3. They do not flicker (actually they flicker 12,000+ times per second which is way too fast to be seen by even a humming bird. Which means no more headaches).
4. They still use 75% less electricity.
5. They still last 10 times longer than an incandescent.
6. They have less than half the mercury of the first generation CFLs.

If you are looking for these options and more be sure to choose an Energy Star rated product. They require the bulbs to prove their lamp life and reduce the mercury content, among other things.

Also if you have not read an earlier post about the mercury content in CFLs the short message is: because these bulbs use significantly less power (nation wide a large portion of this power is coal fired plants) less mercury is released into the environment than if an incandescent bulb was used (even is the worst case senario when the bulb ends up in a landfill instead of recycled). So as the Department of Energy says "Change a light. Change the world."


Holli said...

thank you for posting this on your blog rather than kicking me in the crotch as hard as you possibly could the last time I went off on you about cfl's

Holli said...

I do have a serious question for you though. what the heck ever happened to led light bulbs. i though led's were the thing of the future, not cfl's.

Holli said...

ps, i forgot to tell you, i did get kicked in the crotch as hard as humanly possible in a "open forum" for green building ideas here in portland this morning when i brought up the dust to dust report. i feel more safe walking the streets of NE gangland portland at midnight than i did with some "energy alliance member" screaming in my face that i was "full of shit" It really made me feel discouraged that the green building movement is more of a political movement than an actual logical stewardship issue.

gerard said...

While I think CFLs are a signicantly better option than incandescents, they are still far from perfect. They have proved to be the cheapest effective conservation program in the NW but they still have their limitations. So I do not push them too hard.

LEDs are still kicking, I should put together a short post about them.