Tuesday, November 29, 2005


I have lapsed back into video games this week. First it was the original Halo. I played through on "Legendary" as far as I could get. Then went out to rent Halo 2 but came home with Castlevania instead. I seem to remember a whip and cave bats from the original Castlevania for the 8-bit, but not much more than that. The new one has neither whips nor bats but is fairly entertaining.

I also rented "You, Me, and Everyone We Know". I am currently half way through. It feels like a very honest story. I like that, even if moments of it are slightly disturbing (maybe unsettling would be a more accurate description).

I am leaving Grinnell in 16 days.

I am getting married in 39.

Today I had pizza and milk for breakfast. My life will never be the same.

1 comment:

ah said...

What I liked about that movie was all the emotional honesty. It was... disturbing! But great!